Energy in Industry

Energy for Employment Opportunities


Energy to improve social wellbeing
Community Access to Energy

Lack of electricity access in Malawi, especially by people living in rural communities, is a big problem.
With a total population of 18 million people, current estimations suggest that only 12% have access to electricity. This matter is compounded in rural areas, where 83% of the population reside.
Power lines for the national grid only run along the main roads of Malawi electrifying urban centres and only few rural areas. It is estimated of the 14.9 million people living in rural areas, only 4% having access to electricity.
This leaves an estimated 14.3 million people living in rural Malawi living without power. Even in those areas which do have access to the national grid network, this access is intermittent with frequent power outages due to the intermittent nature of the hydroelectric power which the national grid largely relies on.
Empower Malawi is seeking to implement a holistic approach to the removal of barriers to economic development, leveraging the huge opportunity of providing clean and renewable energy solutions to rural communities.
The aim of this approach is to leverage access to energy projects to improve efficiencies in industry, create employment opportunities in communities which largely rely on agriculture for their incomes and to increase the use of clean, renewable energy in peoples homes. All of this is aimed to be run through micro-enterprise businesses, from which the profits fund the use of renewable energy in key public services, such as schools and hospitals.

Over the past two years, Empower Malawi have provided access to safe and clean energy in 60 schools in the Nkhata Bay district, through the installation of solar lighting systems.
This allows students to continue their studies into the evening, something which is key given the large pupil to teacher ratio (average 66:1 across 33 surveyed schools in the Nkhata Bay District) in Malawi.
2,738 Attending
Study Time
2.9 Average hours of daily study
2,984,709 study hours per year
2,540 Attending
£ per pupil=£0.95
$ per hour per year= £0.0005
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